Our mission is to cultivate, debunk and spread awareness of the health and medicinal benefits of cannabis, as we firmly believe all Aussies should have enough information and tools to make their own judgements.
Since the new Australian Capital Territory cultivation and possession laws come into effect in ACT in January 2020, we've been busy curating content and driving the Australian cannabis revolution through the medium we are best at.
Australia is still falling behind the curve from the rest of the world in terms of cultural acceptance and education of cannabis, even though medicinal use had been legalised across most of the country for several years. Majority of patients suffering from a variety of conditions such as epilepsy, anxiety and chronic pain are still unaware of the therapeutic effects of cannabis that could assist in reducing or ease the symptoms.
Our website aims to provide our community with detailed cannabis strain analysis data along with useful articles outlining the science and facts behind cannabis, and how it could benefit the health and wellbeing of everyday Australians.